WRAP research shows that we produced 6.6 million tonnes of household food waste in 2018. 70% of this is food we could have eaten.REF

1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted annually throughout the World. To add to these issues, almost one billion hungry people could be fed on less than a quarter of the food that is wasted in the US, UK and Europe alone.
On top of that, according to FAO, currently we only produce enough food to supply the world's rapidly expanding population until 2050. Something isn’t joining up, and it's clear we have a huge challenge in front of us.

World Disco Soup Day is an annual event hosted by Slow Food Youth Network, where the public is invited to cook, eat and dance together showing simple ways to save food whilst bringing awareness to the amount that goes to waste. Since their first in 2017, Slow Food Glasgow has celebrated three editions of World Disco Soup with SFYN Scotland.
2020’s edition went digital which helped to bring the important message behind World Disco Soup Day to an even wider audience. SFYN members gathered food-saving recipes from older generations from around the World and shared them across social media platforms.

Ysabel Calderón at World Disco Soup Day Peru, 2019
“During WDSD 2019, we wanted to show that despite being a country rich in biodiversity, we face the challenge of resource management which results in food waste. We managed to rescue 1775.4 kg of food that could have easily ended up in the garbage. The role of youth is crucial: if we work as a team, just like the bees, we will be able to achieve our goals and obtain great results.”
If you’d like to be involved with next years edition please get in touch!
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