Adopt an Ark of Taste Fruit Tree

launched 01 October 2021
with Slow Food Scotland and Wendy Barrie

The Ark of Taste Orchard is our legacy for COP26, supporting the biodiversity pillar of Slow Food. It’s allowed us to connect people with a passion for Slow Food, heritage flavours, biodiversity and climate change.

Cambusnethan Pippin is a rare cultivar, probably originating at the Cambusnethan Monastery. It was said to have been raised by Mr Paton, gardener at Cambusnethan House in 1750s. This apple variety is from the Clyde Valley, historically famous for its orchards. Beauty of Moray is an old Scottish cooking apple, first recorded in 1883, and a favourite in the North of Scotland.

Each variety within the Ark of Taste Orchard posesses a fascinating story. With the rise of modern varieties which produce much sweeter fruits, it’s now more important than ever that we protect these varieties. Scotland is home to a very distinct range of heritage culinary and dessert apples, currently being looked after by a small number of specialist fruit tree growers.

So as a legacy for COP26, we set up the Orchard at Errichel Farm, one of our favourite farms and restaurants in Scotland. One apple tree would not bear much fruit for the first few years, however the orchard should produce a healthy yeild after a couple of years.

What did adoptees recieve?

Each tree buyer will received an annual edible gift for 5 consecutive years as soon as the trees bear fruit. The planting of such a heritage tree is for planet, not profit.

Where are they growing?

Autumn is the best time to plant fruit trees, and Paul & Becky Newman at Errichel kindly agreed to create a haven for this special orchard. This spot in Perthshire was chosen because:

1 The space allows trees can be grouped together so people can visit and learn.

2 There is someone with knowledge who can tend to the trees.

3 SF Cooks Alliance Member Paul is already a strong supporter of Slow Food, running their restaurant and farm shop on their working farm with heritage Ark breeds. He and Becky make fine custodians, appreciating the significance of this living genebank.

4 Paul makes their own chutneys, jellies, hams, biltong etc so is ideally placed to create a product using the Ark of Taste fruit.

5 As they keep Ark of Taste large black pigs, any fallen apples will be used regeneratively and the resulting pork will be delicious.

The planted Ark of Taste trees

Beauty of Moray
An old Scottish cooking apple, first recorded in 1883, a favourite in the North of Scotland.
Bloody Ploughman
Perthshire apple with a spectacular deep red colour – named after the ploughman shot for scrumping.

Cambusnethan Pippin
A firm crisp Cox-type apple from the Clyde Valley.

James Grieve
The Edinburgh apple, bred by Mr Grieve it is sharp and juicy.

Gordon Castle plum
Created by head gardener at Gordon Castle, Moray, first noted in 1864.

Lass O’ Gowrie
An old Perthshire variety originating at Gowrie farm around 1883.

The latest updates from the orchard

Pictured at Slow Food’s AGM in 2022, Slow Food Members admire the young fruit trees in blossom at Errichel. This orchard is now being left to mature and bear fruit so no more adoptions are being issued, however another heritage fruit orchard can easily be created in Scotland should a land owner wish to do so.

Fruit orchards offer a very productive form of tree-planting: creating not only biodiverse habitats for birdlife, pollinators and precious micro life but also producing a harvest of fruit for our table. Additionally, ruminants can graze orchards at certain times of the year, providing an even more diverse range of high quality “Slow” foods.


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The Ark of Taste︎︎︎

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Website by Lucy Watkins
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Slow Food Glasgow